The "Empowering Data: Power Pivot Essentials in Excel" webinar is designed to introduce participants to the fundamentals of Power Pivot, a game-changing tool for data analysis within Excel.
Most workplaces now have anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies in place. But hidden bias can nonetheless creep in and damage workplace culture, productivity, and even retention.
A bipartisan bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives would allow people who are previous or current marijuana users to receive federal security clearances and access to federal employment.
Ms. Nash-Hoff’s presentation will show why Lean principles, tools, practices are timeless and discuss the challenge of adapting the timeless principles of Lean by making Lean very relevant and friendly to today’s mainstream manufacturing executive and organization.
The relationship between employees and employers depends on a bond of trust and our courts have found this relationship is buttressed by a duty of good faith by each of these parties to the other.
This course will cover the fundamental principles of using AI in crafting business plans, models, and pitch decks. Emphasizing practical applications, it will guide participants through selecting the right AI tools for different aspects of their business documentation.
Business practices are changing. You can’t do the same things done earlier. Different approaches to addressing business practices need a new direction & tools.
Everyone negotiates. And if you really think about that some of us, do it 24/7 every day. But too many of us are not as aware of how we might have negotiated differently, or even better to achieve our interests and needs for a better negotiated outcome.
Project management is the art and science of getting results by following a roadmap laid down to turn customers' desires into concrete products and services by following established procedures in a defined sequence.