Much of the information written on this topic is overly positive toward the concept of leadership and negative toward management and may convey the notion that they are separate entities.
Resilience helps teams adapt to constant change, pivot quickly, stay motivated and not just weather challenges or adversity, but grow stronger in the face of them.
Between advancing technology, critical skill shortages, economic flux, and the prolonged wake of the pandemic, change has become the "new normal" and most leaders, managers, and teams are struggling to keep up.
This overview of six essential learning theories provides powerful models, methods, and techniques you can utilize to create and enhance highly effective learning experiences.
This session provides an overview of the art and science of persuasion - the models, principles, skills and tactics that can be used to make your case, convince others of your position, and influence your audience.
The PMI's Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)
is a globally recognized framework of processes, tools, techniques, guidelines, and best practices for the successful execution of projects.
All new Managers must have coaching skills as an essential element in their management toolbox. Managers who consistently utilize coaching skills have more effective teams, higher morale, and better bottom-line results.
Emotional intelligence is a general set of skills that can be applied to anyone and any environment. It has been shown that, Emotional Intelligence or EI, can be even more critical than the power of the cognitive brain usually measured with IQ.