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Don Phin

Founder, HR That Works

Don Phin has been a California employment practices attorney since 1983. He litigated employment and business cases for 17 years and quit once he figured out that nobody wins a lawsuit. Since leaving litigation, he has written numerous books and presented more than 500 times to executives nationwide. He loves talking about emotional intelligence and creating engaging workplaces!

Don was the founder and President of HR That Works, used by 3,500 companies and acquired by ThinkHR in January of 2014. He worked there for two years as a V.P.

Now in his "wisdom-sharing years," Don loves advising and coaching executives. He continues to inspire with his speaking and training.

  •  Wednesday, August 7, 2024
  • 08:00 AM PDT | 11:00 AM EDT,
  • 60 Minutes
  • ¤110.00
Onboarding that Drives Productivity, Teamwork, and Retention

How’s this for a fact: half of all employees are onboarded better than the other half! And then there are the companies in the top 10%.

  •  Thursday, August 8, 2024
  • 08:00 AM PDT | 11:00 AM EDT,
  • 60 Minutes
  • ¤110.00
The EEOC Agenda: Harassment Enforcement Guidance, Strategic Enforcement Plan, and 2023 Litigation Efforts

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has been proactive in addressing workplace harassment and discrimination under the current administration.

  •  Wednesday, August 21, 2024
  • 08:00 AM PDT | 11:00 AM EDT,
  • 60 Minutes
  • ¤110.00
Performance Management with Bottom-Line Results

Performance management approaches have evolved over time. Originally, they were very top-down, control-based approaches.

  •  Thursday, August 22, 2024
  • 08:00 AM PDT | 11:00 AM EDT,
  • 60 Minutes
  • ¤110.00
Understanding the Math of HR So You Can Show How HR Impacts the Bottom-Line and Get a Raise!

Few people get into HR because they can’t wait to be great at math! Not understanding the math of HR can be a weak spot limiting HR’s ability to be a strategic partner.

  • Recorded
  • View Anytime
  • 60 Minutes
  • ¤150.00
Building an Employee Handbook that Works

Your handbooks must be legally compliant, and there are clear solutions to getting there. What's exciting is that handbooks also can play a role in defining company culture!

  • Recorded
  • View Anytime
  • 60 Minutes
  • ¤150.00
Mastering the Emotions of Great Leadership

It's hard to ignore today's conversation around emotional intelligence. Studies show it is far more important to leadership success than having a high IQ.

  • Recorded
  • View Anytime
  • 60 Minutes
  • ¤150.00
Mastering the Emotions of Change

In this fast-moving Webinar, attorney, author and speaker, Don Phin, will take us through a process to manage the emotions of change.

  • Recorded
  • View Anytime
  • 60 Minutes
  • ¤150.00
How to Prevent Making Mistakes

We all make mistakes. Sometimes they are of little consequence. Other times they can impact and shape a career or bottom line.