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Workplace drama sucks the productivity out of a team or organization. It also creates an inhospitable environment where healthy people don't want to work so they leave. Good, productive people leave the organization. In fact, the best people, the highest performers, the self-directed, the most creative, and those that need little oversight, are most likely to leave. Why?

So much time and effort are required to navigate through all the drama. High performers just want to get the job done, but the drama is a barrier. Managers and leaders spend way too much time trying to tamp it down, or worse, let it continue to happen, but find workarounds.

Drama can be anywhere on the spectrum between easily seen and difficult to recognize because it is so nuanced. When it is the latter, it can be very insidious, working its way throughout the organization without raising a lot of flags, until the negative results start becoming obvious. Because it is often so pervasive it can seem like it would be hard or nearly impossible to eradicate. It's not.

Creating a drama-free environment has to start with identifying that the current workplace has drama, and then making a commitment to eliminate the drama, which usually starts with understanding the benefits. The benefits include higher productivity, a more harmonious culture, which attracts and retains top talent, less leadership time spent addressing the symptoms of drama, and more time developing and executing strategy.

There is no *quick fix* for a drama-filled environment, but changes can be undertaken immediately and positive results can be realized immediately. It doesn't even have to start at the top, team members can begin to transform the environment with their own commitment and actions. Although to change the organizational culture, senior management has to buy in and commit to making changes.

This webinar details a comprehensive plan for eliminating drama in the workplace.

Why you should Attend

Do you feel Frustrated? Overwhelmed? - with the constant Drama in your workplace. Discouraged that you can’t avoid it and don’t know how to make it stop?

The drama takes many forms:

  • incessant gossip - it's divisive and unproductive AND you wonder what they’re saying behind your back
  • personality conflicts that create constant tension and bickering
  • people who are aggressive
  • people who are passive
  • people who are passive-aggressive (these are maybe the hardest to deal with)
  • meetings that are supposed to be collaborative are dominated by a few individuals
  • people feeling stressed and overworked


You end up feeling Irritated, Confused, and even Helpless to do anything about it. Workplace drama is so ubiquitous it's sometimes hard to believe it's possible to have an environment with no drama.

Imagine going to work and not having to deal with all this Drama! It's hard to do, but stick with it - all those drama-filled situations that are coming into your mind right now - just remove the drama from the situation - what does it feel like?

It is possible.

The Drama-Free Workplaces webinar will give you the understanding, skills, tips, techniques, and tools to deal with drama, conflict, stress, gossip, and aggression while maintaining your own sense of calm and peacefulness.

Think about it:

  • How much more work you’ll get done?
  • How much calmer you will be, and with more energy, you’ll have at the end of the day?
  • How much more you’ll enjoy your job and going to work? This webinar is designed for anyone who works where there is a drama

Areas Covered in the Session

You Will Learn:

  • A 5-step process to eliminate unproductive drama from your world
  • Strategies to redirect drama
  • Specific skills to address aggression, passivity, and passive-aggressive words or actions
  • A model to recognize the 3 roles people play to create drama and how to deal with each of those roles
  • How to recognize even the most subtle forms of drama and how to nip them before they escalate
  • How to elegantly declined invitations to participate in drama


Who Will Benefit From This Webinar:

  • Leaders who want to create a Drama Free Workplace - enjoy more productivity, creativity, and collaboration from your team
  • Anyone who has ever felt exhausted and overwhelmed by being immersed in a drama-filled environment wants a more peaceful, calm, collegial, and productive workplace
  • Anyone who feels attacked, put down, or diminished by a co-worker
  • Anyone faced with personality conflicts that leave you feeling frustrated and discouraged

Who Will Benefit

  • CEO
  • Senior Executives
  • Leadership
  • Management
  • Supervisors

Speaker Profile

Michael Healey Since 1987 he has been consulting with businesses and organizations that understand the value of developing organizational culture and their people as a foundation for continual improvement and enhancing organizational capacity.

From large multi-national to entrepreneurial organizations, government and NGO's, and across the spectrum of executive, senior managers, supervisors and staff.