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Many books have been written about creative problem solving. There is no easy way, no shortcut to becoming a first-rate problem solver.

  • Develop solutions through an analytical approach
  • Learn how to be able to identify relevant information that you can use to make decisions
  • What makes a valid conclusion
  • Use many perspectives to reach a conclusion


This webinar gives you the tools to be able to identify your decision making style, and learn to make better decisions through questioning, challenging assumptions, and seeing other's viewpoints.

Why you should Attend

This problem-solving and decision making training gives you some tips and techniques for develop skills as a critical thinker and problem solver and recognize and leverage your thinking preferences, as well as those on your team, to find different solutions to everyday problems.

Areas Covered in the Session

  • Identify and recognize your decision making style and understand its effect on your decisions
  • Characteristics of effective problem solvers
  • Developing a creative problem solving mindset
  • Apply new skills for breaking down complex problems
  • Develop rational decision making skills through fundamental analytical skills
  • Use questioning techniques to gather relevant information
  • Learn the correct way to brainstorm
  • Learn to challenge assumptions
  • Understand critical thinking and how to apply it at work

Who Will Benefit

  • Employees in leadership positions who want to be better focused on facing and
    solving problems at work

Speaker Profile

Audrey Halpern is a soft skills training facilitator consultant with 20+ years of experience. Audrey’s is currently a faculty member of American Management Association where she trains communication skills.