What do you think of when you hear the term receptionist? Someone who sits around all day drinking coffee? Yeah, right! While that stereotype may be enforced on some TV shows, it has never been true.
This bystander intervention training empowers participants to take a stand against harassment and discrimination in their workplace. This webinar provides practical tools and techniques to recognize, interrupt, and prevent harmful situations from escalating.
Being able to manage and motivate employees that have more experience than you means being able to put aside your ego and focus on understanding the different views of those generations you manage.
Like many managers, the success of your work might depend at least in part on those outside your sphere of direct influence, whether it is because they are in a different unit or division, they are on the same management level as you, or they work for another organization with which you're collaborating.
One major cause of stress is taking on too many commitments. So when on your to-do list feels like everything is a priority, you will strive to do everything, leading to endless frustration that you are not accomplishing very much.
Coaching is a process of helping another individual realizes their inner potential, delivering fulfilment to both the individual and the related organization.