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Coaching has grown to be highly popular. Many individuals, business owners, or organization managers find themselves needing a helping hand or find themselves thrust into the role of offering advice to others. That is especially true of managers who, while conducting performance reviews, may find a need to provide specific feedback and advice about what to do to improve job performance to those individual employees or teams reporting to them.

It is an honor and a privilege for coaches to provide coaching for individuals, teams, organizations, and organizations’ leadership. In whatever capacity, these individuals or organizations are placing their trust in the coaches, as internal managers-as-coaches or as external professional coaches, trainers, facilitators, or consultants. In all these cases, coaches’ skills and competencies make a difference in developing the intent of coaching undertaken. This webinar and its presenters utterly take this trust and professional responsibility and offer a systematic approach to high-performance coaching. It is designed for you if you must offer to coach to help your clients or employees improve on-the-job performance.

The phrase performance coaching refers to a category of coaching that advises workers about how they should behave and what results they should achieve. It clarifies the means (behaviors) and ends (results) to be achieved. Unlike non-directive coaching, which prompts coachees to reflect on their own, performance coaching relies on the experience of the coach to direct the coachees’ attention to what should be achieved.

Performance coaching can be an important tool for managers faced with workers who do not achieve the results that the organization requires or who behave in ways not aligned with organization policies, procedures, or managerial expectations. Through performance coaching, managers or experienced co-workers guide workers through what they should do, how they should behave, and how best to measure success. Performance coaching often plays a key role in performance management, performance evaluation, and performance reviews. Workers cannot achieve the necessary results if they are unclear about what they are. Performance coaching clarifies what measurable results should be achieved

This webinar is on the bases of a newly published book High-Performance Coaching for Managers, by the presenters, which differs significantly from other books in the coaching market. Many webinars on coaching cast coaches as facilitators who question their clients (the coachees), helping them to articulate their own problems, formulate their own solutions, develop their own action plans to solve problems, and measure the success of efforts to implement those plans. That is called a non-directive approach.

But this webinar and its related book adopt a directive approach by casting the coach as a manager who diagnoses the problems with worker job performance and offers specific advice on how to solve those problems. While there is nothing wrong with a non-directive approach, it does not always work well in job performance reviews in which the manager must inform the worker about gaps between what is needed (the desired) and what is performed (the actual). The significant difference between what is currently available in the market and what is offered in this webinar and book is the authors’ collective experience of over 70 combined years of hands-on research and delivery experiences in the Human Resources Development field.

While many approaches to coaching could help to facilitate performance improvement, the presenters of this webinar favor a planned approach to coaching that is geared toward helping others identify what they need to do to improve their job performance and productivity. An effective high-performance coaching effort meets the organization’s and its people’s needs. It relies on a positive view of people and the situation and a strong effort to encourage participation and inclusion in all aspects of the coaching experience.

This webinar provides a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to implementing a high-performance coaching effort for human resource practitioners, business coaches, consultants, managers of all kinds, and others interested in managing and improving human performance and increasing individuals' and teams' productivity.

Why you should Attend

Coaching is a necessary skill for managers. It is important as a fundamental part of an organization’s talent efforts including talent acquisition, development, and retention strategies. For a coaching program to succeed in an organization, it should be recognized as a useful approach throughout the organization and become part of the fabric of the corporate culture. High-Performance Coaching for Managers provides an important tool for organizations to use to train their managers on coaching, which directly impacts their engagement with employees’ behavioral issues, using proven models, methods, and coaching technics.

According to the Harvard Business Review (2015), workers generally expect their immediate supervisors to give them honest feedback on how well they do their jobs and specific advice on what to do if they are not performing in alignment with organizational expectations. When workers do not receive advice but instead are questioned about their own views-they regard their managers as either incompetent or disingenuous.

Effective managers should be able to offer direction to their employees. These directions could be in the form of directive coaching or non-directive coaching. After all, managers are responsible for ensuring that their organizational units deliver the results needed by the organization. If they fail to do that, the organization does not achieve its strategic goals. This webinar gives managers direction on how to offer directive coaching to their workers while having access to elements of non-directive coaching for further employee development.

Suppose you are in a management or supervisory position that is involved with managing individuals, teams, groups, or departments. In that case, you will receive valuable information on how to provide coaching for your people and how to get them to start thinking about ways to improve their performance and increase their productivity.

Areas Covered in the Session

  • Define Coaching, Performance Coaching & Professional Coaching
  • The general context of a relationship between a performance coach and employees
  • Distinguish so-called directive coaching from non-directive coaching
  • Review when to use directive and non-directive coaching
  • Describe a model to guide you step-by-step through high-performance coaching
  • Apply the performance coaching model to typical job performance problems
  • Use the high-performance coaching model to address behavioral problems

Who Will Benefit

  • Business Owners
  • Business Managers & Supervisors
  • Business Entrepreneurs
  • Employees who are committed to learning more about being professional
  • Professional Coaches & Consultants
  • Management and Business School students
  • Workforce Education students
  • Workforce Education and Development practitioners
  • Human Resources practitioners
  • Human Resources Development professionals ·
  • Organization Development practitioners
  • Workplace Learning practitioners

Speaker Profile

Dr.William J. Rothwel, Ph.D., DBA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, RODC, FLMI, CPTD Fellow, is President of Rothwell & Associates, Inc., Rothwell & Associates, LLC, and Rothwell & Associates Korea. As a consultant he has worked with over fifty multinational companies and countless governments and nonprofits globally. In addition to the three consulting companies he founded, he also founded three small businesses (a vacation rental home company employing three people; a personal care home for the elderly licensed for fifty beds employing twenty-seven people; and an eighteen-unit motel employing five people).

As a Distinguished Professor at Penn State University, University Park, where he has taught for 30 years, he is co-Professor-in-Charge of an online and onsite academic program that offers a Master degree in Organization Development and a Ph.D. in Workforce Education and Development with an emphasis in Talent Development/Organization Development. Before joining Penn State in 1993, he had over 15 years of experience in HR, Talent Development, and Organization Development leadership at the executive level in government (Illinois Office of the Auditor General) and in a wholly-owned subsidiary of a multinational company, #48 on the Fortune 500 list (American Brands, owners of Jim Beam, American Tobacco, and others). With 50 years of work experience in HR, OD and Talent Development, he is known widely for his practical approach. Having published 159 books in the Human Resources field, he was awarded Penn State University’s Graduate Faculty Teaching Award in 2004 (only one given per year on Penn State’s 24 campuses), the Association for Talent Development’s (ATD) Distinguished Contribution to Workplace Learning and Performance Award in 2011, was given the Walter Zeller Award for Service by UNICEF and Kiwanis in 2013, was awarded the Organization Development Network’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2022, was awarded Penn State University’s highest award for international work in 2022, and was inducted into the International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame in 2023. He has conducted training and taught in universities globally-including 83 trips to China and 32 trips to Singapore.

His recent books since 2020 include Mastering the Art of Process Consultation and Virtual Group Coaching Simulation (2023); Successful Supervisory Leadership: Exerting Positive Influence While Leading People (2023); Transformational Coaching (2023); Succession Planning for Small and Family Businesses (2022); High-Performance Coaching for Managers (2022); Rethinking Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (2022); Organization Development (OD) Interventions: Executing Effective Organizational Change (2021); Virtual Coaching to Improve Group Relationships: Process Consultation Reimagined (2021); The Essential HR Guide for Small Business and Start Ups (2020); Increasing Learning and Development’s Impact Through Accreditation (2020); Adult Learning Basics, 2nd ed. (2020); and, Workforce Development: Guidelines for Community College Professionals, 2nd ed. (2020).