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Do you have enough courage to admit sales rejections form a pit in the middle of your stomach? You'd love to have your customer say "yes" without asking for the sale, right?! Sometimes, you'll do so that you don't have to face rejections. No wonder. Our brains are wired to do anything we can to avoid rejections because being rejected isn't playing safe. The goal of our brains is to keep us safe. 

Safe doesn't help us get sales.

Safe keeps prospects sitting on the "no commitment" wall.  
Asking the wrong questions keeps prospects on the "no commitment" wall. 

Missing buyer cues keeps them on the "no commitment" wall.
Moving a potential buyer from indecisiveness to buying your product or service requires digging into their needs, uncovering their emotional commitment, becoming the ONLY helping hand, and closing the loop.

Are you scratching your head, wondering why your prospects are sitting on the wall? Several factors can contribute to buyers being indecisive and hesitant to say yes. In this webinar, we'll explore why your prospects like that wall. Here are three of the five we'll cover in The Humpty Dumpty Sales Effect with Mj Callaway.

  • You've missed the trust meter. Imagine a meter that increases and decreases depending on your conversation and the questions you ask. Attached to this meter is a ticking clock, and when the alert alarm goes off, your future customer is off to a competitor. You'll gain insight into the cues you must pinpoint to know that the trust meter is failing.
  • You haven't soothed the will it work emotions. You'll discover the three simple questions that turned a "no" into a "yes" during a real-life sales conversation. 
  • You've become a dump truck, and the customer feels the impact of manure being spilled little by little. Understand what to avoid and include in your conversation.


You'll discover three core practices in the buyer's decisions: closing the loop, the objection pause, and the "this or that" solution. 

Also, you'll get five practical solutions to create urgency in your prospect to encourage them to purchase. We'll kick off the urgency section with the Hat Trick, combining three true and tried applied methods from the ages. 

Then, you'll learn how FOMO, Fear of Missing Out, benefits your customers and you in getting them what they want. You'll finish the urgency section, providing insights to create urgency when it seems improbable.  

This webinar breaks down the sales conversation into four components: Why your prospects are sitting on the wall, three areas to address for buyer indecisiveness, factors that move prospects to clients, and nudge them off the wall. 

In the Humpty Dumpty Sales Effect program, you'll get strategies, techniques, analogies, and humorous insights for pushing your future customers from the wall to the cash register. By implementing these strategies, methods, and knowledge, you can effectively guide a prospect through decision-making to say "yes" to you. 

Register now for The Humpty Dumpty Sales Effect: Why Your Prospects Are Sitting On the Wall. It's an investment in your confidence, sales acumen, and future.

Why you should Attend

In today's competitive business landscape, mastering the art of sales is not just advantageous; it's imperative for success. Whether you're a seasoned business professional or a part of a dynamic sales team, attending Mj Callaway's program, "The Humpty Dumpty Sales Effect," is not just a choice but a strategic move to thrive in the market.

  • Training Industry Magazine reported that companies that invest in sales training see a 24% increase in profit margins on average compared to those that do not prioritize sales training initiatives.
  • An Aberdeen Group study found sales professionals who undergo consistent and ongoing training achieve 10% higher quota attainment than their non-trained counterparts. This statistic indicates that investing in training can significantly boost sales performance and revenue generation.


In this webinar, you'll delve into the core reasons behind buyer indecisiveness, offering invaluable insights and techniques to address them effectively. One critical aspect we tackle is the trust meter - understanding how to build and maintain trust through stories and analogies. 

You'll unravel the common pitfalls to avoid that turn prospects away. "The Humpty Dumpty Sales Effect" breaks down the sales conversation into digestible segments through practical solutions and real-life examples. You'll learn to create urgency and guide prospects toward purchasing decisions. By implementing this program's strategies, methods, and analogies, you'll increase your confidence and skills to navigate complex sales scenarios successfully.

Investing in "The Humpty Dumpty Sales Effect" program is a strategic decision with numerous benefits for professionals in the business and sales sectors. Professionals who want to excel in sales, stay ahead of the competition, expand their professional network, and demonstrate their commitment to personal and professional growth. 

This program equips YOU with the tools to decrease the number of prospects who don't buy and transform them into loyal customers. Don't let your prospects linger on the wall of indecision - register now and unlock the secrets to serving more clients, closing more deals, and driving business growth.

Areas Covered in the Session

  • Understand the impact of sales rejections and learn strategies to overcome the uncertainty of "the ask."
  • Identify common barriers that keep prospects from committing to a purchase decision. 
  • Learn to recognize cues indicating a lack of trust and develop strategies to build and maintain trust throughout sales.
  • Discover techniques to address and alleviate prospects' doubts, increasing their confidence in your product or service.
  • Avoid pitfalls hindering sales conversations, such as question choice and overload.
  • Explore three core practices in buyer decision-making: closing the loop, utilizing the objection pause, and presenting the "this or that" solution.
  • Gain practical solutions and strategies to create urgency in prospects, encouraging them to make a purchase decision promptly.
  • Learn the Hat Trick method and leverage the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) to create urgency and drive sales.
  • Uncover why prospects hesitate to commit.
  • Develop confidence, enhance sales acumen, and equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed.

Who Will Benefit

  • Company Owners
  • Business Owners
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Non-Profit Teams
  • Fundraisers
  • Sales Teams
  • Sales Managers
  • Sales Executives
  • Sales Associates
  • Business Professionals
  • Business Development Specialists
  • Managers Whose Teams Sell Products Or Services
  • Assistant Managers Whose Teams Sell Products Or Services
  • Department Managers Whose Teams Sell Products Or Services
  • Supervisors Whose Teams Sell Products Or Services
  • Professionals Who Offer Products Or Services
  • Financial Advisors
  • Direct Sales

Speaker Profile

Mj Callaway pro at motivating people and organizations to boost resilience, results, and revenue. She is an award-winning author, motivational keynote speaker, and corporate sales trainer, known for shifting attitudes and converting core strategies into results.

Change management corporate trainer and motivational speaker Mj Callaway is an award-winning author and founder of the Bounce-Up™ Framework. Mj delivers outcome-focused programs that include humor, real-world stories, and strategic self-mastery tools you can implement immediately.

As a former corporate trainer, Mj knows the daily challenges and disruptions executives, managers, and teams’ handle. Mj's sales experience includes being the only female sales executive to be a top-five producer of a national building company, selling three times her annual quota. She was coined the "Clean-Up Crew" as she could convert upset clients into happy ones.

As the Special Events Manager for a renowned museum, Mj has managed AV, security, catering, and maintenance departments while organizing upscale events. Her event background includes working for a major healthcare system and planning events to market the senior living division. She once spent a year as a travel writer. Under her pen name, Mj has more than 2,000 articles published in consumer magazines. She has interviewed youth entrepreneurs to pro athletes, survivors to CEOs, and everyone in between Her strategic programs include change management, customer engagement, and professional development.

She shares her results-driven techniques so that organizations can increase performance, positivity, productivity, and profits. As a three-time cancer warrior and domestic abuse survivor, Mj shares that every setback is an opportunity to create your Bounce-Up™. She's a certified Change Management Specialist, Certified Master Virtual Presenter, and Certified Sales Professional. Mj earned a Holistic Resilience certificate from Point Park University. Her popular book, Bounce-Up: Outpower Adversity, Boost Resilience, Rebound Higher, has been endorsed by the Healthy Workforce Institute's C.E.O. Mj's clients include the following industries: Building & Construction, Education, Healthcare, Human Resources, Insurance, Laboratories, Libraries, Manufacturing, Non-Profits, Publishing, Real Estate, Technology, Tourism, Transportation, and Travel.

Fun facts about Mj Callaway:

Sold a children's game to a division of Disney.

Won four Gold Editorial Awards from the Parenting Media Association

Ziplined over gators in Alabama, biked down a volcano in Hawaii, and played tug-a-war with a baby black bear in Michigan.