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Saying no isn't easy, but it's becoming a crucial life skill. But many people are afraid of that two-letter word, says William Ury, author of The Power of a Positive No. "We're afraid of not being liked, not being accepted," says Ury. "We're afraid of hurting a relationship or losing a deal."

We are continually reminded by others and the media about the importance of taking breaks, practicing self-care and we have heard the old adage about putting the oxygen mask on first over and over. However, we may be focused pleasing others, relying on only positive feedback from others to raise our self-esteem, or insecure about what talents and gifts we bring. We may need to shift our mindset and reframe the concept of setting boundaries with others to be successful at making our own needs a priority. 

Take a moment and think about how your life would be different if you had an extra 2-3 hours a week to fill yourself up with energy producing and/or restful activities. How would the quality of your life be different? How would having more energy and patience be a positive for you, and for your relationships and even productivity at work? Please join us for proven methods to take back your time in order to give your best to yourself, others and your many responsibilities. 

Why you should Attend

Many of us are people-centric and derive great satisfaction by helping others. However, in doing so, we may drop out our own needs due to fear of upsetting the relationship, appearing selfish, disappointing others, perhaps losing business, or appearing like we don’t know the answer. 

Do you feel like you have to say “Yes” to everything that is asked of you in the workplace? Every task, project, business trip and any other requests that may come across your desk in the course of the work.  You maybe very competent in certain areas compared to your family and friends, so do you just hop in and take care of tasks/chores that someone else could do? Might you be denying them an opportunity to learn and grow by doing this?  

The truth is, many of us end up overloaded and unable to complete our home or job duties because of taking on so many additional and extra tasks. While being able to rise to the challenges just may be part of the job, or part of what we consider being a good friend or family member, there are ways to learn to say “no” and set boundaries when the occasion warrants. Of course, any time we say “no,” there are likely risks, but there are brain-science backed techniques to help minimize risk and make our “no” a win-win situation.

Areas Covered in the Session

  • Gain a deeper understanding of why you are hesitant to say “no” 
  • Let go of your assumptions and fears about setting boundaries
  • Learn to utilize the AIDOR method (Acknowledge, Indicate, Determine, Offer, Restate) to preserve the relationship and obtain a win-win solution
  • Reframe your negative expectations of how others will respond when you decline their requests
  • Learn to adopt and practice a variety of new language techniques to ensure harmonious conversations 
  • Create an action plan for immediate and long-lasting application 

Who Will Benefit

  • Sales
  • Customer Service
  • Finance
  • Procurement
  • Marketing
  • Project Management
  • Operations
  • Managers
  • Leaders
  • Small Business
  • Any area of an Organization where setting effective limits and boundaries are important

Speaker Profile

Suzanne Blake , PCC, is an award-winning International Coach Federation Professional Certified Coach with 23 years of coaching, training, and business consulting experience. With?warmth, humor, and the?latest in coaching and brain?science techniques, Suzanne?helps individuals and groups attain their communication, empowerment, career, and leadership goals.

Suzanne Blake is the Founder and President of Blake Coaching and Training. She has helped hundreds of seasoned and emerging leaders expand their capacity, make decisions, use focused strategic thinking, and build confidence and self-awareness. Her coaching work has been featured on The Today Show, NPR, The New York Times, The Boston Globe, and numerous other media outlets.

A passionate industry leader, she specializes in coaching executives and managers in leadership development, managing individuals and co-located and virtual teams, communication styles effectiveness, work-life balance, presentation skills, emotional intelligence, and time and performance management.?Suzanne has comprehensive experience designing and facilitating training and coaching programs, facilitating team building, and conducting one-on-one Executive Coaching sessions.

Her clients include Verizon, Deloitte, LLC, Amica Insurance, BCBS, EMC/Dell, Synthes Switzerland, eClinicalWorks, Nimbly Wise Ed/Tech Coaching and Training, Core Axis, and numerous small to medium size businesses, and non-profit organizations.

Suzanne is a masterful communicator with a proactive and resourceful approach to helping drive client-oriented coaching services and learning and development programs. She demonstrates a unique ability to quickly zero in on the root causes of problems and identify creative and sustainable solutions.

Suzanne is a featured author in the popular book, 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life, co-authored with leading experts Jack Canfield, John Gray, Richard Carlson, and Bob Proctor.