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Construction is a high-hazard industry that comprises a wide range of activities involving construction, alteration, and/or repair. Construction workers engage in many activities that may expose them to serious hazards, such as falling from rooftops, unguarded machinery, being struck by heavy construction equipment, electrocutions, silica dust, and asbestos.
The information, tools, and resources provided in these Construction Industry web pages are designed to assist those in the industry - whether worker or employer - to identify, reduce, and eliminate construction-related hazards.
Join this session by expert speaker Gary Heppner, where he will discuss how to guard against whistleblowers How to be aware of a possible whistleblower, and the suggested steps to take before it happens.
Why you should Attend
Most employers consider OSHA Safety Programs to be just another expense. Actually, the program cabs become a profit center saving thousands of dollars.
- Will give an example of how an employer avoided a $150,000 lawsuit from an employee
- What you can expect from following a well-designated blueprint of OSHA regulations
- In California, the minimum citation is now $18,000. In other states, $12,700
- In general, what will be the cost to create a good safety program?
Areas Covered in the Session
- What does OSHA want to review when they come calling?
- What you can do to prevent accidents
- What you can do to retain control of an injury once it occurs
- How to deal with supervisors who aren’t sure what their responsibilities are regarding safety
- Why enforcement is so important
- Other subjects that are related will be addressed
- How to reduce the possibility of litigation by providing proper training to HR and supervisors
- How to investigate a reported injury to reduce litigation
- Some tips I have learned that can be very helpful
Who Will Benefit
- Construction Attorneys
- Construction Company Executives
- Contractors’ Project Management Staff
- Subcontractors
- Construction Managers
- Project Owners and Sponsor
Speaker Profile
Gary Heppner 30 years an independent Insurance broker in California, writing a large book of workers compensation and other lines of insurance. Been providing assistance with over 23+ OSHA Consultative visit from OSHA during the last 19 years.
Speaking on Webinars Monthly to all 50-states for the last 1.5 years.
Held 1-hour webinar to equipment rental agencies in North America.
Featured one month in Equipment rental agencies monthly magazine.
Conducted over 100 + "OSHA Mock OSHA Audits" for clients to determine compliance.