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Fortune 500 companies and small family businesses alike share a business need - insuring that they have the talent necessary to effectively lead their organizations in the future. One of the most significant contributions a leader can make is insuring his/her business'continuity and sustainability - by having employees who are willing and capable of filling each key position with a plan for doing so when the need arises.

Succession Planning is a:

  • Deliberate, systematic process of anticipating the need for talent and ensuring that the
    necessary employee competencies and experience are available when needed in the
  •  A strategic approach for avoiding an under supply of talent, enhancing the organization's
     current talent pool and meeting its future needs

Not having a Succession Plan can be costly and sometimes disastrous; it's expensive to recruit,
interview, select, on-board and train a new leader and significant opportunity costs are incurred
 when a key job is not being performed.

Areas Covered in the Session

  • Objectives and  Benefits of Succession Planning
    • Sustain the business through a systematic effort to ensure leadership continuity in key positions
    • Attract, retain & develop high potentials [HiPos]
    • Encourage HiPos development by:
      • Identifying career paths
      • Conducting performance appraisals
      • Providing daily coaching
      • Creating Individualized Development Plans [IDPs]
      • Holding Talent Review meetings
  • Tools and Processes Commonly Utilized for Developing and Implementing
    • Self appraisals and career goals
    • Performance appraisals, 360 feedback and ratings
    • Assessment instruments
    • GE grid
    • Individual development plans [IDPs]
    • HiPo talent development interventions
    • Talent review meetings
  • What an Organization, its Leaders and the Program Participants Need to Do To Achieve an Effective Plan
  • What an organization needs to do:
    • Supply funding/budget
    • Establish a clear vision and guidance for the program
    • Develop a formal, written program
    • Announce the objectives of the program to all employees
    • Insure that all leaders and managers support the program
  • What the leaders need to do:
    • Have job descriptions developed for their teams
    • Conduct effective, formal performance appraisals
    • Identify employee developmental areas
    • Share their knowledge and experience
    • Involve employees in more of the leader's responsibilities
    • Facilitate the completion of IDPs for all Hi Pos
  • What the program participants need to do:
    • Conduct self appraisals
    • Identify their desired career paths
    • Learn as much as they can about potential future assignments
    • Perform to their capabilities
    • Complete their IDPs
    • Develop the employees reporting to them - so they have successors
  • Potential Measures of the Program's Success
    • Whether there is, at least, one successor for each key position
    • Having developmental goals and IDPs established for each successor
    • Determining how much of their manager's job the successors can perform
    • Determining whether successors can perform their manager's jobs when they are unavailable and evaluating their performance during those times

Who Will Benefit

  • HR Professionals New to the Field - seeking a comprehensive view of the subject with multiple application initiatives
  • Experienced HR Professionals - seeking a refresher
  • Leaders and Managers - interested in understanding both how a Succession Plan benefits an organization and how to implement one

Speaker Profile

Pete Tosh is Founder of The Focus Group, a management consulting and training firm that assists organizations in sustaining profitable growth through four core disciplines:

Implementing Strategic HR Initiatives: Executive Search, Conducting HR Department Audits, Enhancing Recruiting, Interviewing & Selection Processes, Installing Performance Management Programs, Conducting Training Needs Assessments, Installing HR Metrics, etc.

Maximizing Leadership Effectiveness: Facilitating Team Building Initiatives, Designing and Facilitating 360 Performance Assessments, Executive Coaching, Measuring and Enhancing Employee Engagement and Performance, etc.

Strategic Planning: Facilitating Strategic Planning Events, Establishing Succession Plans, Installing Business Performance Metrics, etc.

Enhancing Customer Loyalty: Conducting Customer Satisfaction Surveys, Facilitating Customer Advisory Councils, Developing Standards of Performance and Scripts for Key Customer Touch Points, etc.

The Focus Group has provided these consulting and training services to manufacturing and service organizations across the U.S., Canada, Europe and the Middle East. Pete has worked closely with the leadership teams of organizations such as Exxon, Brinks, EMC, State Farm, Marriott, N.C.I. YKK and Freddie Mac to :

• Align corporate organizational structures with their strategic initiatives - while insuring value creation for their customer bases.

• Ascertain customers’ primary needs and perceptions of organizations’ performance relative to that of their competitors.

• Develop and implement customer loyalty enhancement processes - based on specific customer feedback - that delivered sustainable advantages in the marketplace.

• Implement performance management programs, executive coaching, compensation systems and other HR processes to strategically direct and reward desired employee behavior.

Prior to founding his own firm 25 years ago, Pete had 15 years of experience -at the plant, divisional and corporate levels - in Human Resource and Quality functions. Pete held leadership positions - to include the V.P. of Human Resources and Quality - with Allied Signal, Imperial Chemical Industries, Reynolds Metals, Charter Medical and Access Integrated Networks.

Pete also frequently develops and facilitates a variety of leadership development programs including: Strategic Planning, Moving from an Operational Manager to a Strategic Leader, Strategic HR Management, The Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, Recruiting, Interviewing & Selection, Employment Law and Utilizing HR Metrics. Employees from over 3,000 organizations have benefited from Pete’s experience and perspective. Pete is co-author of Leading Your Organization to the Next Level: the Core Disciplines of Sustained Profitable Growth.

Pete holds a B.A. degree in Psychology from Emory and Henry College and Masters degrees in both Business Administration and Industrial Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University.