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Sound compensation practices are critical to organizational success in today's competitive labor market. Organizations and their leaders need to ensure employees are compensated fairly to attract, engage, and retain top talent resulting in competitive advantage.

Compensating employees is a key organizational function under the Human Resources team. However, compensation philosophy and management impact every area of an organization. Building a market-competitive compensation structure that is (and can be easily understood by its employees) requires several fundamental factors.

These factors and the accompanying system serve to ensure organizations are not overpaying or underpaying their employees. In addition, they enable an organization to demonstrate its having a defensible system in place - especially during a time in which government (at the federal, state and local locals) have a heightened interest in holding employers accountable for equality in all aspects of employment, including pay.

Why you should Attend

This webinar on the important subject of compensation gives education and insights into:

  • The three most commonly used methods for establishing your organizations. compensation structure
  • Using your structure as part of determining internally equitable and market competitive pay, including individual employee pay.

Areas Covered in the Session

  • Identify the four primary objectives of compensation
  • Explain each of the three most common approaches to developing a compensation program
  • Teach how to develop a properly structured and administer compensation program that will:
    • Help attract top talent
    • Retain employees
    • Enhance employee satisfaction while efficiently using financial resources
  • Walk through Job Analysis, including:
    • Its 5 steps
    • Its 4 purposes
    • A Job Description model that will help in:
      • Establishing where the position fits into the overall pay structure.
      • Determining if the position is exempt or non-exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act
  • Give a detailed description of the steps to create your compensation structure
    • Key principles
    • A model that you can adopt (or modify/adapt) for your company.

Who Will Benefit

  • HR professionals at all levels, particularly those who:
    • Have responsibility for Compensation or Recruiting/Talent Acquisition
    • Desire to gain valuable professional development related to Compensation
  • Management Managers who desire to communicate better with their employees about compensation by improving their understanding how an organization establishes its pay structure and its basis for individual employee pay

Speaker Profile

Salvatore LoDico is known as The HR Godfather TM because of his comprehensive knowledge of all subject matter related to the field of Human Resources Management. He has been the CEO of Trinity HR Consulting, Inc (Trinity HR) for ten years and is an award-winning authority in Human Resources Management.

Prior to founding Trinity HR, he was the chief HR executive in multiple industries, including aerospace, manufacturing & healthcare. In his career, The HR GodfatherTM has had executive level responsibility for non-HR functions, such as Finance, Legal Affairs, Regulatory Compliance, Government & Public Relations, Corporate Security, & Chaplaincy Services.

Salvatore has a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management & a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, and has attained certification as a Senior Professional in Human Resources. He has been a lecturer at multiple universities, as well as a featured speaker at multiple conferences/webinars. In addition, The HR GodfatherTM has conducted numerous professional development classes ranging from executive teams to entry level positions.