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All levels of the corporate structure can benefit from having a positive mindset to handle challenges and stress effectively, improve communication, stay productive and organized, stay resilient and develop leadership skills.

In this webinar we will focus on how to communicate with tact and finesse, using assertive communication both verbally and non-verbally. We will address how to handle conflict and achieve a win-win situation with others. We will address the importance of rational thinking in the workplace, and differentiate toxic ways of thinking from healthier ways of thinking.

Consider this webinar as an Emotion Tune-Up for the workplace. Learn practical ways to limit negative stress that leads to burnout. Especially in these challenging times, staying stress resilient and stress hard is more important than ever.  Learn the 5 C’s of Stress Hardiness, which can help you both on the job and in life.

There will be some experiential exercises that can help put learning into action!

Why you should Attend

Learn practical tips to a positive workplace. Especially in these challenging times of Covid-19, whether you are working with others in person or remotely, having a healthy relationship with coworkers, employees, employers and clients is more important than ever.

After all, a happier workplace is a more productive and creative workplace.

Areas Covered in the Session

  • Learn assertive communication skills to communicate with tact and finesse
  • Differentiate assertive from aggressive and non-assertive communication
  • Learn how to actively listen - instead of just hearing!
  • Embrace stress. Learn to manage stress – instead of carrying it!  
  • Learn how to stay positive no matter what with learning skills to improve your mindset
  • Learn the 5 C’s of resilience
  • Stay productive and organized
  • Achieve a win-win through cooperation and teambuilding

Who Will Benefit

  • People from all levels in the workplace can improve their emotional intelligence on the job! 

Speaker Profile

Judith Belmont is a mental health author, trainer and motivational speaker on a variety of personal, emotional and workplace wellness topics. After 40 years of working as a psychotherapist, she now offers mental health coaching via phone and Skype. She has taught Psychology at various colleges, worked in various therapeutic settings, including private practice, and has led many interactive presentations and keynotes to various companies, organizations and conferences.

She is the author of 7 mental health and wellness books and two Emotional Wellness Card Decks with three publishers: WW Norton, New Harbinger and PESI. Her books are in the field of self-help and personal development, with most of them offering therapists and trainers interactive psycho-educational activities to teach clients emotional intelligence and life skills for emotional wellness. Her books offer practical tips and activities to improve life skills such as healthy thinking skills, effective communication, improving empathy, managing stress, developing resilience, avoiding burnout and overcoming adversity.

The activities, handouts and tips in her books reflect the teachings of modern psychological techniques, including the popular orientations of Positive Psychology and Cognitive Behavior Psychology. Judith has an MS in Clinical Psychology from Hahnemann Medical College, and holds a BS in Psychology from University of Pennsylvania. She currently lives in Naples, Fl. Her website is www.belmontwellness.com