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This course covers the crucial aspects of data modelling in Power BI, from understanding basic concepts to applying advanced techniques. You'll learn how to create effective data models that serve as the backbone for analytics and reporting within Power BI. The curriculum is designed to provide hands-on experience through practical case studies, ensuring that you can apply your knowledge in your day-to-day work. Whether you're optimizing data for better performance, creating complex relationships, or utilizing DAX for dynamic data manipulation, this course offers the tools and insights needed to excel.

Why you should Attend

In an era where data is considered the new oil, the ability to efficiently model, analyze, and visualize data sets you apart. Power BI, Microsoft's premier data visualization tool, offers immense capabilities for data professionals. However, without mastering data modelling, leveraging the full potential of Power BI remains a challenge. This course is designed to demystify data modelling within Power BI, guiding you through practical case studies to apply your learning directly to real-world scenarios. Enhance your analytical skills, make informed decisions faster, and communicate insights more effectively by mastering data modelling in Power BI.

Areas Covered in the Session

  • Introduction to Data Modelling in Power BI
  • Building Effective Data Models
  • Advanced Data Analysis with DAX
  • Optimizing and Troubleshooting Data Models
  • Practical Case Studies

Who Will Benefit

  • Data Analysts
  • Business Intelligence Professionals
  • Data Scientists
  • IT Professionals
  • Business Analysts

Speaker Profile

Manish Gupta is not only a passionate educator but also a seasoned professional in the fields of finance, business, and hospitality. His career includes substantial roles in various organizations, providing him with a rich blend of real-world experience and theoretical knowledge.

As a Visiting Lecturer at Geneva Business School, Manish excels in teaching MBA subjects, skillfully bridging the gap between academic theories and their practical applications in business and finance. His expertise in Financial Management, Accounting, and Corporate Finance is particularly noteworthy.

At eHotel Management School, where he is the Founder and Lead Instructor, Manish imparts wisdom in Digital Marketing and Hotel Management. His unique approach combines his extensive industry experience with his educational background, offering students practical insights into the hospitality sector.

Manish's teaching philosophy centers around making complex subjects accessible and engaging. His dedication to student success is evident in the way he tailors his courses, ensuring they are relevant, insightful, and inspiring for aspiring professionals.