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David Hughes

Senior Consultant, UK Building Schools

David Hughes is an author and educationalist with a particular interest in future learning methodologies, empowering students and organizational improvement through action research and reflective learning.

David combines 25 years of school based leadership and development in four local authorities with project management roles in regional and national organisations promoting STEM development, integrating IT into learning and developing autonomous and independent learners.

He has presented papers at international conferences in Spain and Austria regarding the assimilation of IT into learning. As a senior consultant on the UK Building Schools for the Future programme he helped develop community visions which informed technical and learning specifications for new build schools.

David writes regularly for the educational press and has published three novels for young people under the pen name Ambrose Conway. He contributes to the International MA in Education Leadership for the University of Nottingham. David is also an Ambassador for ISSET and works regularly with NASA astronauts on leadership development programmes.

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